Follow our guide to making your home a fit place to work, rest and play. 按照我们的指南把家营造成适合工作、休息和娱乐的地方。
To follow along with the code in the last section, you should be familiar with Java, but the concepts, like the rest of the tutorial, apply to any programming language. 为了理解本教程最后一部分给出的代码,您需要熟悉Java,不过其中的概念与本教程的其他内容一样,适用于任何编程语言。
Follow the rest of the steps through giving the provider sensible values. 为提供方提供有意义的值,完成其余步骤。
If you follow the Rails conventions for URLs and output formats, it's easy to connect a Rails Web client to a Java RESTful Web service with minimal overhead. 如果遵守Rails对URL和输出格式的约定,就很容易用最小的开销把RailsWeb客户机连接到JavaREST式Web服务。
Semantic chaos means everybody defines their own schemas and vocabularies, does not follow any information standards, and does not consider semantic interoperability with the rest of the systems. 语义混乱意味着所有人都定义自己的方案和词汇,而不遵守任何信息标准,也不考虑与系统的其他部分之间的语义互操作性。
You can now follow the normal URL programming model for coding the rest of your application. 现在您可以按照正常的编程模型来编写您应用程序的其他内容。
Follow these steps to install the REST API using the WebSphere Application Server integrated solutions console 遵循以下步骤,使用WebSphereApplicationServer集成解决方案控制台安装RESTAPI
As a general design principle, it helps to follow REST guidelines for using HTTP methods explicitly by using nouns in URIs instead of verbs. 作为一般设计原则,通过在URI中使用名词而不是动词,对于遵循有关显式使用HTTP方法的REST指导原则是有帮助的。
Those who see HTTP as an interaction protocol follow the REST ( see Resources for more information) model and tend to be strict about the semantics of the HTTP verbs ( GET, PUT, POST, DELE). 那些将HTTP视为交互协议的人将遵循REST(请参见参考资料以获取更详细的信息)模型,并且倾向于严格遵守HTTP动词(GET、PUT、POST、DELE)语义。
It is a conservative follow the money strategy: ICBC is trailing, not leading, the rest of China Inc. 这是一种保守的追随资金流动策略:工行选择跟随而非引领其他中资企业的海外扩张。
You will have much more energy throughout the day to follow the rest of these tips if you do! 只有这样你才能有充沛的精力去遵照其他条例做事。
Before they get too excited about the repentant sinner, though, environmentalists should follow the rest of his argument. 然而,在对于这个有悔改表现的“罪人”感到过度兴奋之前,环保主义者们应注意他接下来的言论。
And it was this gratitude and peace that helped inspire Paul to follow his Lord for the rest of his life. 也是这感恩与平安帮助激励着保罗,在他接下来的生命中跟随他的主。
This will help you guess what will follow in the rest of the story. 这会有助于你猜测自在其余的故事中将发生什么。
If you agree with the licenses, accept them and follow the wizard through the rest of the process. 如果您同意这些证书,就选择接受,继续向导的后续过程。
She's gonna follow you around for the rest of your life. 她就会下半辈子都对你摇头乞怜。
To add more conditions, actions, or exceptions to the rule, click Advanced options, and then follow the rest of the instructions in the rules wizard. 要对规则添加更多的条件、动作和例外,请单击“高级选项”,然后按规则向导中的其他说明进行操作。
Which is why tests need to follow the same rule as the rest of Medicine: first, do no harm. 正因如此,医学检查才需要遵循与其它内服药同样的原则:首先一点,不应造成伤害。
You should follow your treatment with plenty of rest in bed. 你应该在治疗之后好好卧床休息。
I have acquired many wonderful principles from my family and I intend to follow these for the rest of my life. 我从我的家族那里继承了许多了不起的原则,我倾向在余生跟之顺之。
The arrange of tactics should take follow slow hands for make him or her take no rest in elimination series. 淘汰赛交替发射时,战术安排上要紧咬慢手,让其没有休息时间。
An M-shaped notch is cut at the bottom of the rectangular patch. The edges of the CPW ground out of the notch follow exponential regularity, and the rest ground in the notch presents T-shape. 在贴片底端刻M形状的槽,槽外共面波导地而边缘设计成指数渐变结构,槽内地面呈现T形结构。
The post-modernist trend in cultural believed that the history has not any special law to follow, and the key of it rest with narrative analysis. 后现代文化思潮认为,历史并无规律可循,关键在于怎样叙事。